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Dublin: 10 °C Sunday 23 March, 2025

12 essential facts of life for frustratingly forgetful people

You WOULD forget your head if it wasn’t screwed on, though.

1. Walking into a room and trying to remember what you came for is a daily occurrence for you

Mxxlg2i Source: Reddit

I’m in the kitchen. But how?

2. You regularly annoy your friends by composing response texts that are never sent

How many times have you said “Mary never texted me back! How rude!” only to discover your text still lying there, waiting for you to hit send?

3. You’re always leaving phones/shopping bags/scarves in public places and having to go dashing back for them

You can’t hang on to an umbrella to save your life and frequently thank god for Penneys.

4. Names? If only we could go through life without them, says you

giphy Source: Giphy

If you haven’t seen or spoken to them every day for the past year, their name just flies out. There is simply no space in your brain for more than 8-10 names.

5. And passwords? They only bring pain, pain and more pain

You’ve locked yourself out of your phone and online banking too many times to count.

6. Having to ask ‘Sorry, what’s your name again?’ will never not be mortifying

Accurate picture of you at this moment:

why are you Source: 9gag

7. When someone approaches you all ‘OMG haven’t seen you in AGES!’ and you’re like “…”

sZ5XN8f Source: Imgur

“Heyyyy…YOU!” is not just a movie/TV cliché. It is your life.

8. Leaving the house is an obstacle course of danger

Straighteners off? Yes. Gas rings all turned off? Yes. Lights all off? Yes. Windows closed? …Ah FECK. *turns back around*

9. And no matter how hard you try, you’ll always forget something going on holidays

Maybe it won’t be an essential like a passport (you’ve that drilled into you by now), but it’ll be something annoying like a phone charger. Or sunglasses.

10. You know the cold panic of missing an important birthday only too well

NUyttbnh Source: Imgur

“January 15th… It’s standing out to me, why though? Oh never mind.”
January 16th: “SH*TE MAM’S BIRTHDAY.”

11. And rely on Facebook for everything

facebookevents Source: Facebook

Sarah’s birthday is on Tuesday. Alan’s leaving drinks are on Friday. Thank you Facebook, thank you.

12. You’ll be writing ’2016′ until December 31st, 2017

tumblr_nad0ebxs4P1sp0cpeo2_500 Source: Tumblr

Oh Christ, not again.

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